Center for the Interdisciplinary Analysis of Images, Contexts, Cultural Heritage


LYNX - Center for the Interdisciplinary Analysis of Images, Contexts, Cultural Heritage is a research unit of the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, connected to the PhD Program Cultural Systems, with its two tracks AMCH (Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage) and MUST (Museum Studies). LYNX participates also in the Phd program in Management of Digital Transformation (MDT). Moreover, LYNX contributes to the National PhD in Heritage Science, whose Curriculum 8 (Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage - AMCH) is led by IMT.

Founded in 2011 as LYNX - Center for the Interdisciplinary Analysis of Images and revised in 2022, LYNX promotes and carries out case study based research projects concerning the mechanisms of production, use, transmission, reception, governance and regulation of culture and cultural heritage, with no limitation in terms of cultural, chronological or disciplinary context. 


LYNX does not pose any limitation on the cultural area, chronological period, or medium to be addressed; it does, however, privilege projects that adopt multidisciplinary strategies of analysis, paying special attention in particular to approaches that are economic, sociological, architectural, urban-studies related, historical, art historical, philosophical, neuro-perceptive, behavioral, and media studies related.

LYNX is interested in the domain of research and the industries and institutions that give a prominent role to the production, manipulation, and reception of images (be they museum displays, urban spaces, single visual objects expressed in any medium, books, etc.) and aims at hosting, in the same setting and at the same time, research projects dealing with contemporary phenomena as well as those addressing phenomena and contexts of the past.